Once you found one or more Laundromats that fit your buying criteria, you should start planning for pre-inspection of the premises, the equipment, lease and other factors listed on Before You Buy a Laundromat. The following are must checks for a prospective Laundromat.
Equipment Inspection
First you should set aside a few hours of your time and go to the Laundromat on a busy day like Saturday or Sunday. You should see if customers are happy with the machines they are using and you could also ask them about their experiences with the equipment at the location. You should test and try each machine and write down notes on the model, serial number, etc. and see if they are in working order. Washer Machines should be check for noises, length of cycles and leaks. Dryers should be checked for proper temperature, bearing problems, etc. It would also be a good idea to hire a commercial laundry repairman to check the machines so you can have a clear idea of what is actually being sold to you.
Vending machines such as snacks, sodas, arcades and others should also be checked for functionality. Put money in each of them and make sure they are in proper working condition as that is part of the sale and your future revenues and expenses.
Check Plumbing
There is a great deal of plumbing inside a Laundromat and you should not spare any expenses to make sure plumbing is in working order. Hire a plumber to check for leaks, potential problems in the future, etc. Make sure the copper connections are in working condition or if they need replacement.
Water Heater
Write down the serial number and model of the water heater. Find out when it was last serviced, how long has it been in operation. Do the same for the water pump and make sure they are in working condition or in need of future replacement. Water Heaters costs several thousand dollars to replace and any deficiencies should be factored into the final offer price.
Sources: Laundromat123.com
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